Be ready to provide freedom to the employees to follow anything that improves their efficiency, provided it is in harmony with the values, principles and vision of your organization. Let people work at their leisureIf someone feels sleepy during the day, it's no use making him work when his body needs rest. Let people take a short nap of not more than 45 minutes after lunch, which should be over before 3 p.m. This will improve their alertness levels almost magically. Allow people to work from home if it minimizes disturbances and tensions, improving their efficiency. Review rules periodicallyForty per cent people come to the office only because they need to punch the card for recording the attendance and because they don't have a steno or a personal computer at home. The company reduces their efficiency by making them commute to and from their residences located at far-flung areas, wasting precious man-hours and sapping their energy. The company loses money too on providing office space to them. All rules and regulations of
the office must be reviewed periodically and the outdated ones that don't
improve efficiency done away with.